Rhinoceros Grasshopper

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To install: unzip donwload. In Grasshopper, go to File Special Folders User Object Folder. Save the 'Peacock 0.99.1 UserObjects' folder there and delete the previous one if you have it. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper. For suggestions, report bugs or contact: dga3@hotmail.com. For support or technical assistance: GH forum group. Grasshopper Wizards. THIS IS THE THIRD VERSION OF A TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW. DETAILS MIGHT CHANGE IN THE FINAL VERSION. For Rhinoceros 6 / Rhinoceros WIP. C# Add-on -Provides a C# project with a GHComponent-derived class and a GHAssemblyInfo-derived class. C# Component - Adds a single component class item. For designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper® is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino's 3-D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring. Rhinoceros – Grasshopper – ARCHICAD Toolset for Architects & Engineers. Rhino – Grasshopper connects the best design tools for the different design stages on both Mac and Windows platforms. These tools fill a gap in the design process between early stage design and Building Information Modeling.

Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring. Generative Jewelry and Fashion Design with Rhino are a new way to model where a design describes a change, it is the transition from entities to operations.

Toolbar MenuPanel Gear Menu

Tools The call to war.


The Grasshopper command opens the Grasshopper® plug-in window. Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino's 3-D modeling tools.

To access command-line options

  • Type a hyphen in front of the command name: -Grasshopper.

Command-line options


Loads the Grasshopper plug-in and controls the visibility of the Grasshopper window.


Loads the Grasshopper plug-in, but does not open the Grasshopper window.


Opens the Grasshopper window. The Grasshopper plug-in will be loaded if it is not.


Hides the Grasshopper window when it is open.


Changes visibility of the Grasshopper window.


Browses, or enters a path to open a Grasshopper file (*.gh, *.ghx).


Saves the current Grasshopper file.


Saves the current Grasshopper file with a different name.


Closes the current Grasshopper file. Unsaved data will be lost.


Closes all the opened Grasshopper files. Unsaved data will be lost.


Unlocks the Grasshopper solver. Grasshopper resumes computing interactive data.


Locks the Grasshopper solver. Grasshopper stops computing interactive data.


Changes the locking status of the Grasshopper solver.


News explorer 1 4 3. Changes visibility of the Grasshopper banner when the scriptable version command, -Grasshopper, is loading the Grasshopper plug-in.


Shows the Grasshopper banner.


Hides the Grasshopper banner.

Separate V5 and V6 components

There are two different ways to hide plug-ins from Grasshopper for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6 respectively.

To hide a plug-in from Grasshopper in V5

  • Place V6 GH plug-ins in %APPDATA%Grasshopper6Libraries where GH for Rhino 5 does not look. Or place them next to a Rhino plug-in .rhp file that only loads in Rhino 6.

To hide a plug-in from Grasshopper in V6

  • Place a file with the same name as the plugin file (.gha), but with an extension of '.no6'. The file must be placed next to the .gha file. This file can be empty as long as it exists. You can also use the GrasshopperIgnorePlugin command to do this.

Reset Grasshopper settings back to default

You may need to erase all custom settings or disable plug-ins in Grasshopper to have a fresh start in some situations.

To erase all custom settings

  1. In Grasshopper, select File > Special Folders > Settings Folder to open the folder containing the setting files.

  2. Close all Rhino windows.

  3. Delete the .xml files in the folder, or move them elsewhere if you need to put the settings back later.

To disable plug-ins

Grasshopper plug-ins can be disabled in different ways.

  • Use the GrasshopperLoadOneByOne command to select the plug-ins to load before Grasshopper launches.

  • Use the GrasshopperIgnorePlugin command to stop loading plug-ins.

See Also


The GrasshopperDeveloperSettings command manages Grasshopper plug-in (*.gha) loading behavior and locations. There are better functionalities in the current Grasshopper that can entirely replace this command.

Memory load *.GHA assemblies using COFF byte arrays

Windows systems do not allow loading DLL files from 'unsafe' locations such as network drives. When checked, plugin files are first read from the disk into memory, and then loaded from memory into the application. This option makes it possible to load a plug-in stored on a server. It is not recommended to change this option. There are now better ways to set per plug-in loading behavior in Grasshopper (File > Preferences > Solver > Plug-in loading).

Library folders Add Folder

Click to add an extra folder from where *.gha files will be loaded in addition to the default locations. Plug-in developers can add the Visual Studio build folder and load *.gha files from there.

Valid Folders

Click to show the folders from where Grasshopper attempts to load plug-ins. You cannot edit the list, but the list can help to find the location of specific plug-ins.

See also


The GrasshopperFolders command opens the folders where Grasshopper stores files of settings, user objects, clusters or components.

Open one of the folders

  1. Run the command.
  2. Select one of the options.

Grasshopper 3d Software

The GrasshopperGetSDKDocumentation command downloads the Grasshopper SDK help document (.CHM) from the Internet.


The GrasshopperIgnorePlugin command allows selecting a .gha file that will be ignored by Grasshopper. A *.no6 file is created beside the .gha file that tells Grasshopper not to load it.

Make Grasshopper ignore a plug-in

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select a .gha file.

    If the .gha file is in a folder that you do not have full control, you will have to run Rhino by right-clicking on the Rhino desktop icon and select 'Run as administrator,' otherwise the *.no6 file cannot be created.

Make Grasshopper load an ignored plug-in

  • Delete the *.no6 file beside the ignored .gha file.


The GrasshopperLoadOneByOne command prompts before loading every plug-in. Use this command to find out the plug-in that crashes Grasshopper on startup.


  1. Run the command when Grasshopper is not loaded.
  2. Click to load a plug-in. The path of the *.gha file is copied to Windows clipboard.
  3. Click to disable a plug-in in this Rhino session.

The GrasshopperPluginList command shows the plug-ins used in the currently loaded Grasshopper file.

  • The plug-in list will output to a dialog box. Type a hyphen in front of the command name, -GrasshopperPluginList, to output the plug-in list to the Command History Window.

Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 13-Oct-2020

Rhino Grasshopper

Grasshopper is famous among designers. Coming as a visual programming interface for Rhinoceros3D® it allows for endless ways to generate forms, patterns, structures. Being famous comes with a price however – designing by programming (although in a visual, eye-friendly way) is not intuitive.

So for most of us using Grasshopper means to learn lots of new things. And it's not only about getting aquainted with just another software suite. It's first of all about thinking in terms of parametric conditioning and programming in order to develop designs.

Taking my first steps into these arcane fields I found some especially useful sites and other sources of introductory help that I want to share with you.

How to get Grasshopper

First of all: How do you find/install Grasshopper? Answer: When using the newest available versions of Rhinoceros® you have it already:

Grasshopper is simply part of those 2 software suites and can be started via command prompt. ('grasshopper', of course.) Mind you, this only works with a valid licence – you'll need at least an evaluation licence which is good for 90 days of use. So when your trial expires you can still use Rhino but without being able to save and without Grasshopper.

The Grasshopper Primer

Rhinoceros Grasshopper License

The Grasshopper Primer is published by Modelab. It is available not only in English but also in German and Russian. (The advertised Spanish version seems to be in English completely.)

Grasshopper Primer serves as a good introduction to Grasshopper principles. Some sample file downloads don't work, but I would strongly recommend redoing things yourself anyway.

TU Delft

Technical University Delft, Netherlands, has some excellent pages on essential Grasshopper workflows. Similar to Modelab's Primer it shows a sound balance between explaining Grasshopper's 'philosophy' and practical advice on solving basic tasks.

Grasshopper Site and Forum

This 'official' Grasshopper site shows, in it's visually unique way, a profound collection of up-to-date Grasshopper wisdom. Grasshopper forum is the place to go for getting answers to nearly every possible problem.

Mind you, this is also the place where Grasshopper inventor and mastermind David Rutten personally shows up and helps out with videos and explanations. https://longsoftware.mystrikingly.com/blog/screen-grab-video-mac.

Rhinoceros Grasshopper

PHD-Thesis: Daniel Davis on Flexible Parametric Models

Just reading this myself (October 2018): Daniel Davis, Modelled on Software Engineering: Flexible Parametric Models in the Practice of Architecture, PHD-Thesis, RMIT 2018. You can download it for free.

Daniel writes on fundamental risks inherent to parametric modeling in architecture. His proposals for avoiding them are based on analogies to software engineering. Although I'm just diving into it I already want to strongly recommend reading this eloquent study for a deeper understanding of the essence of parametric design.

Another Book: Elements of Parametric Design

Robert Woodbury, Elements of Parametric Design, 2010: Seems to be helpful (not read yet). I think I'll buy and read it although I find the idea of reading a real book that could well be a kindle rather annoying. (Beware: Affiliate Link)

Learning Platform I: ThinkParametric

On thinkparametric.com you will find video courses on Rhino and Grasshopper (and related stuff). Grasshopper 101 series concentrate on data trees and lists thus giving you a fundamental understanding of how Grasshopper is to be used.

Learning Platform II: Udemy

Udemy.com offers video courses, too. As of now I am taking some Rhino and Grsahhopeer lectures there myself. Interesting how course styles differ between platforms – on Udemy courses are cheaper than on ThinkParametric, longer too, which is a good thing. But then, ThinkParametric comes along a bit more concentrated on essentials. Decide yourself.

YouTube & Vimeo

Of course, you'll find zillions of videos on Grasshopper on YouTube and Vimeo. Some channels I want to recommend:

  • Mode Lab (yes, the guys that wrote the Grrasshopper Primer)

Round Up

As you see there's a lot of company for your first Grasshopper endeavours. In case you know some more supportive stuff let me know so I can add them to my list.

Most important however is that you start playing around with Grasshopper itself as soon as possible. I will present you with my own little projects as soon as I have the tutorials written.

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